Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Awaiting His Maiden Voyage...

When I got aboard the first ship, I didn't expect to go to sea, the anchor rose but the ship never set sail. It was OK as the ship had never sailed before, but now I'm told for whatever reason the ship has been all out to sea and I received a postcard telling me how great the waves are - I remain more sceptical.

The second boat I strolled upon was similar to the first. I didn't think she'd ever sail the seas but now I'm told after I was asked to leave the deck that the boat did sail without me (yet again). For some reason boats must have habbit of not going out to sea with me, but when I leave they decide to raise the anchor and set sail. This boat had broken free and had sailed into choppy seas and was forced against the wishes of the crew to come back to dock. I've been invited on this ship to navigate it to a peaceful sea, but I don't know if I shall sail this ship despite being told the seas are nice. (A bit disgruntled how these ships sail off without me and then come back to tell me I'm missing out on a great time at sea)

The third ship I did sail upon did leave shore but then it sank to the bottom of the ocean. It was in need of repair anyway and I think it I should have expected the inevitable.

The last ship I was sailing in had done it's rounds all out to sea, had hit an iceberg on one occasion but had been repaired and still in good shape. It came into dock and I went on board but damage from a previous ice berg - another one the boat had clipped - which had not been seen until we set sail caused the boat to come into docks for repair. Not good for me - who thought that at last I was heading out to sea. I complained to the ship's captain that the boat had sailed the seas before, so why when I get on board it sails no more, - because of these protestations I was thrown off the ship and now I find myself ashore.

So I find myself not having the best of times with my sea traveling journeys. I would quite like a nice cruise one day but all the ships that come into dock soon fade away. Maybe it's me and I should find a new harbour or maybe it's just bad luck stopping me on my way.

1 comment:

syafiqq1991 said...

Is that really? i m sorry 2 hear that.. you can use aircraft actually.. lol